Lidys Ballestas


Hello! I’m Lidys Ballestas, a dedicated parapsychologist with a passion for exploring the uncharted territories of the human mind and paranormal phenomena. At Lidys Ballestas Parapsychology Services, we offer a bridge to understanding the unseen forces and mysterious aspects of life that traditional science often overlooks.Our Services:Spiritual Counseling: I provide personal guidance to help you navigate your spiritual path, offering insights that can assist in achieving personal harmony and understanding.Energy Healing: Using advanced techniques, I help clients rebalance their energy fields, promoting health and vitality to improve overall well-being.Psychic Readings: I offer psychic insights that help clarify past events, present circumstances, and potential future paths.Dowsing and Radiesthesia: With these traditional methods, I assist in locating lost objects, identifying energy imbalances, and exploring environmental energies.Numerology: I analyze the significant numbers in your life to provide insights into your personality traits, life challenges, and opportunities.Tarot Card Readings: I use tarot cards as a tool to uncover underlying truths and offer guidance on specific issues or life decisions.Regressions and Hypnosis: I conduct sessions to explore past life experiences and unlock subconscious insights that can lead to profound personal growth and healing.Educational Workshops and Courses: I conduct workshops and courses designed to teach the principles of parapsychology, enhancing both understanding and practical skills in the field.My Ethical Commitment:Integrity, confidentiality, and respect are at the core of all my interactions and services. I am committed to providing ethical and professional guidance to all my clients.Why Choose Me?With extensive experience in parapsychology and a deep understanding of metaphysical concepts, I offer a unique and insightful approach to help you explore and understand the complexities of your spiritual and psychic experiences.Contact Me:Are you ready to explore deeper spiritual insights or seek answers to life’s complex questions? Contact me, Lidys Ballestas, today to schedule a consultation or learn more about how my services can benefit you. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together!